
Check out some of the projects we have made in the past.

Positive Trace Festival 2023

16 - 20 August 2023 at Rødegaard, Vistoft, Denmark

We gathered around 300 people for 5 days and made these 5 projects. Rødegaard is looking after the projects now with help from volunteers.

Rewilding of Field

We embarked on a journey to rejuvenate a former agricultural field of 10 ha, guided by the principles of natural disturbance, and inspired by the incredible work of moles, ants, and grazing mammals.

First, we scraped away the artificially fertilized topsoil, which is too nutrient-rich for most native plants. We made small mounds, rocks, piles of wood and structures to mimic the transformations that occur in natural grasslands. All reinstating important habitats for lichen and cold-blooded animals that were once removed for farming purposes. By temporarily disturbing the dominating plants and topsoil, we created the perfect germination bed for native, flowering forbs, allowing them to colonize and thrive.

We collected native seeds from the National Park Mols Bjerge and seeded them on the patch in the field. The hope is that they will slowly spread to the rest of the field.

Rewilding of Forest

We helped the biodiversity in the forest at Rødegaard. We ringbarked and damaged some of the trees, making homes for beetles and other insect and animals. In forests with natural dynamics, tree damage is quite common. It can be caused by larger animals scratching, biting, or clawing at trees, as well as by storms, fires, lightning strikes, and floods. Forests with natural dynamics are extremely rare today, and as a result, the associated species are also scarce. That's why we will introduce some human-induced "natural" dynamics to this forest.

Another benefit of the veternization of trees is the creation of a more open forest, allowing space for light-loving herbs and grasses on the forest floor. A diverse herbaceous vegetation provides habitat for more butterflies and other pollinators, as well as birds and other organisms that feed on insects. Finally, it makes the forest more attractive to large grazing animals that may one day inhabit the area.

In addition to veteranizing trees, we also planted trees on the open field. In a landscape untouched by human intervention, there would be a less distinct boundary between forests and open land. In some areas, the forests would be more open, while the open land would feature large solitary trees. Therefore, we will plant selected native tree species in the nearby grasslands.

Forest Garden

We established the beginning of a forest garden based on permaculture principles. We made paths, spread compost, planted trees, bushes and groundcover and spread flower seeds. The forest garden is open to the public and often the citizens of Vistoft enjoy a curious walk through the garden. We look forward to following the growth. Once a month, Rødegaard and Franz (one of the positive trace managers for the forest garden), organize common work days in the garden.

Natural Irrigation

We established a natural irrigation system for the community garden in Vistoft. We made a system to collect rainwater from rooftops around the lot to be able to access water easily for watering the plants. First, we store water and then we help the soil to be moist all year through swales. The project is quite simple, but the outcome can make gardening much easier going forward.

Positive Trace Gathering 2022

10 - 14 August 2022 at Himmelbjerggården, Ry, Denmark

We gathered around 200 people for 5 days and made these 3 projects. Himmelbjerggården is looking after the projects now.

Food forest

We build the beginning of a food forest based on permaculture principles. First, we chopped down part of the monoculture pine forest. Then we dug swales, spread compost, and planted trees and bushes. We look forward to following the growth. Now, Himmelbjerggården is using the food forest to host courses in Permaculture.

Herb Wheel

We build a herb wheel based on permaculture principles. We used no dig methods to create the beds for a great variety of local herbs. We hope the bees and the people living at Himmelbjerggarden will enjoy them.


We build a small creek with rocks that would flow into a small lake. The intention was to bring movements to the lake and build habitats for reptiles and insects and thereby increase biodiversity on site.

Do you have a big piece of land that you would like to transform into a biodiversity paradise?

We are constantly looking for new sites to create projects on and host our annual festival.

If this sounds like something you would like, then send us an email at and we’ll be in touch.